madeline's death experience
- rash
- sore body
- tiredness
- headache
- cramps
- (constant) bathroom breaks
i woke up this morning (approximately 2 a.m.) with cramps and a very large headache. i went to the bathroom. i was there for a while; i ended up just sleeping in there (when i could sleep in between my many a bathroom breaks). i have put together a hypothesis on what. i believe, is going to happen over the course of this illness.
1. rashes will appear
2. when using the bathroom i will begin to lose everything in my system (including stomach content, vital organs, etc.)
3. my sore body will be the result of my body (slowly) withering away.
4. i will become nothing more than an empty skin suit. like something you see in a syfy dr.who-stargate type show.
1-4. during this whole process i will have head-aches that will eat away at my brain.
i have prepared myself for this journey mentally and physically.
may the lord have mercy on me,
madeline louise